Tamara Davison

Tamara Davison is a journalist who specializes in sustainability and the environment. Reporting from around the world, she's seen firsthand the direct impact waste is having on coastal communities and our oceans. As a diver trained in ecological monitoring, the changes Tamara has seen in marine habitats inspired her to action. She's previously written for The Guardian, The Independent and the Evening Standard. She's also produced environmental documentaries for EuroNews.
Tamara Davison
The Environmental Impact of Returning Online Products
13 min read
The Environmental Impact of Returning Online Products
By Tamara Davison on February 16, 2024

On average, customers return up to 30% of products bought online (Shopify, 2024), placing a vast and unnecessary strain on the environment.

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Greenwashing Examples: The Nine Biggest Fines Handed Out So Far
21 min read
Greenwashing Examples: The Nine Biggest Fines Handed Out So Far
By Tamara Davison on February 8, 2024

Authorities around the world are introducing legislation and penalties to combat the threat of greenwashing incidents. Most recently, the European Union kicked off 2024 by adopting a new...

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The Complete Guide to Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategy
10 min read
The Complete Guide to Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategy
By Tamara Davison on January 26, 2024

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy has become crucial in business over the last few years. Companies hold significant power in making a difference beyond profit, which has...

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Everything You Need to Know About Carbon Credits vs. Plastic Credits
14 min read
Everything You Need to Know About Carbon Credits vs. Plastic Credits
By Tamara Davison on January 23, 2024

Growing environmental awareness has prompted more conversations about plastic and carbon credits. Like many green initiatives, these are efforts to curb the negative impacts that businesses...

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How To Reduce Plastic Packaging Waste
13 min read
How To Reduce Plastic Packaging Waste
By Tamara Davison on January 17, 2024

Despite the growing demand for plastic packaging, current strategies for managing waste are falling short. Each year, the world churns out 141 million tonnes of plastic packaging (Wrap,...

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How Does Plastic Affect Human Health? 
14 min read
How Does Plastic Affect Human Health? 
By Tamara Davison on January 17, 2024

In 2020, a study found microplastic particles in the placentas of unborn babies for the very first time. Researchers said it was a “matter of great concern” that humans are exposed to...

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Top 21 Facts About Recycling
13 min read
Top 21 Facts About Recycling
By Tamara Davison on January 16, 2024

Recycling is one of the most impactful ways to support a circular economy, preventing waste by keeping it in circulation.

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Best Sustainable Workout Clothes Brands to Watch Out For in 2024
12 min read
Best Sustainable Workout Clothes Brands to Watch Out For in 2024
By Tamara Davison on January 11, 2024

Signing up for the gym is only half the battle — you also need to find the right workout clothes that make you feel good while putting the effort in. After all, who wants to wear...

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Top 9 Ways to Avoid Greenwashing in Your Business
12 min read
Top 9 Ways to Avoid Greenwashing in Your Business
By Tamara Davison on January 3, 2024

Greenwashing — where companies deceptively inflate their environmental credentials — is no longer just a buzzword. It’s a rising trend, and many business leaders know they’re doing it.

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What Is Fast Fashion — And How Can We Avoid It?
15 min read
What Is Fast Fashion — And How Can We Avoid It?
By Tamara Davison on December 20, 2023

The clothing industry produces 92 million tonnes of textile waste each year (Circular, 2020), and fast fashion is at the heart of this massive problem.

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